Mental Health America of Northern Kentucky & Southwest Ohio

Shelby Pressley

Shelby PressleyProfile Photo

Published Writer/Entrepreneur/Educator/ Hope Giver

As a previous high school English/Global Studies educator, education has always been the cornerstone of who I am! I love to learn and share knowledge with others, but found myself giving out more than what I was receiving. During the pandemic, I went through a major medical surgery which led me down the path of wellness - both physical and mental. I began to realize that I had some inner work from prior traumas that needed to be addressed and healed. My own journey to wellness led me to my current role with Mental Health America and both educating and encouraging others that taking care of yourself should always be top priority!

May 30, 2023

Well, Well, Well - Let's Talk with the MHA Wellness Coaches

is pleased to offer a number of wellness coaches for first responder agencies, behavioral health organizations, and other caregiving agencies. These coaches work on-site at the agencies or through Zoom calls so they can be available to participants...

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